Country Western Dance Club

Dust off your boots and come dance to 80's and 90's country music. All skill levels welcome.

All skill levels welcome


We welcome you to join the fun, friendly, Country Western Dance Club.  Come to dances on the second Saturday of the month from October through April, except March which is March 22. All dances are held at the Palm Ridge Rec. Center.  At our dances, line dancers, two steppers and pattern dancers share the floor with room for all.  Music is 1980 – 2025 country dance music.You are welcome to bring your own snacks and beverages.

Country western line dance lessons are conducted at Johnson Social Hall for beginners/intermediates.  Go to Dance Lessons at the top of this page and pull down the menu leading to the Line Dance Lessons page on this website for details. 

Country western partner dance lessons are conducted at either Palm Ridge Rec Center or Johnson Social Hall on Tuesday night during the winter months, check Dance Lessons – Partner Lessons on this website for location depending upon date.  Learn to hone your skills for the Progressive 2-step, Country Waltz and more.   Go to Dance Lessons at the top of this page and pull down the menu leading to the Partner Dance Lessons page on this website for details. 

The Country Western Dance Club membership is open to all SCW Rec & Tenant cardholding residents.  Annual dues are only $10.00.  Club members can bring invited guests.

 Please check elsewhere on this website for dates, times, cost and restrictions.

Questions: email to or call 719 291 2833.